Bognor Regis Promenade

The end of the promenade looking east at Aldwick beach

The end of the promenade looking east at Aldwick beach

Bognor Regis promenade to the west of the pier

Bognor Regis promenade to the west of the pier

The end of the promenade looking east just beyond Felpham beach

The end of the promenade looking east just beyond Felpham beach

The promenade looking east at Felpham beach

The promenade looking east at Felpham beach

The promenade looking east at Aldwick beach

The promenade looking east at Aldwick beach

The end of the promenade looking east at Aldwick beach
Bognor Regis promenade to the west of the pier
The end of the promenade looking east just beyond Felpham beach
The promenade looking east at Felpham beach
The promenade looking east at Aldwick beach

The promenade at Bognor Regis is 4.38 km (2.7 miles) long and stretches from Aldwick in the west to Felpham in the east. The surface is all tarmac and level for walking, running or just enjoyig the sea views. 

Along its length, there are plenty of seating areas and a number of consessions along the way serving hot and cold food and drinks.

Map showing Bognor Regis Promenade

Bognor Regis seafront

50.782278108307, -0.67031703625903

Bognor Regis Beach live webcam view